well I feel good that someone understands that Britches.
Also, there is no tension between me and this Girl. We are friends, there's no issue there. She picked up on it I think pretty quickly. Unless she is completely just hiding it from me, and I do not believe that is the case. We did go on one 'date' a while ago (when this thread started) and I felt that it was clear that nothing as going to come of it. I think it took her little while and realized that "hey, this guy's not interested that way" so be it. She is as I mentioned seeing someone else now. I talk to her a fair bit, I see her all the time since we are taking two classes together. I don't feel uncomfortable about it, she seems content to tell me all about her new found Male companion, only because he and I are 'buddies' (we took some classes, recorded some music together).
I do overthink things. I suppose, as I approach 30 (2 years left of being able to be trusted) I start to wonder time to time if this 'contentment with being by myself' is something that I am forcing upon myself (convincing myself that it's what I want) or if it really truly is what I want. I feel as of late it is the truth that I enjoy my own company or perhaps, that I don't want to feel obligated to anyone except on my own terms, aka my concern with me being selfish.
If I was to make a list of 5 things in life I know that I want, a family or partnership with someone would not be on that list (no doubt much to the dismay of my parents). But things change, attitudes change, lifestyles change and all that good stuff.
"A real leader faces the music, even if he doesn't like the tune." - unknown quote