I was going to put this is Computers, but the people it needs to reach don't really visit there too often.
First off, let me say, if you make your IT department happy, your life will be eaiser. I can't account for all IT departments out there, but most if not all are like us. We do this job for a different reason than most people do theirs. We actually like it. This is key when you are dealing with IT. Remember, we might not enjoy helping you send an e-mail, but we all know there are worse jobs to be had out there. A little respect and space goes a long way.
1. When we come out to look at a computer you are working on, GET UP FROM THE FREAKING CHAIR! It's our chair now. I am not going to hover around you and half stand while I am trying to use your mouse.
2. For every single post-it, picture of your dog, phone number, business card, bible verse written on a napkin you have taped to your moniter, is 5 mins less I will be there trying to help you out. Either move it before I get there, or don't have it up at all. Is it that much more trouble to put it in a folder?
2.1 That ridiculous custom mouse pointer of a banana you think is so cute actually makes it harder for me to do my job because it's not clear where the point is.
3. Icons on your desktop. If it takes me an hour to find "My Computer" on your desktop, something is wrong. You do not need a shortcut to every single website you had ever visited, every doccument you ever worked on, every picture of your son/grandson/cousin/neice/uncle doing something funny. Make a folder, put that crap in it.
4. If you don't know what you are talking about, don't talk about it. You will just look silly, and we will laugh at you later. In fact, I am laughing about something someone said right now. Don't suggest we open a port on the firewall if 1. you don't know what a firewall is, and 2. the problem is you can't open a word doccument because the CD it's on is not in your computer.
5. It's not our fault. Don't blame me when the servers go down. I didn't pull the plug. 9 times out of 10, it's something you guys did. On that rare occurance that it is my fault that the server is down, then it needed to come down, and you were told before hand. I know Lands End is having a big ole sale on mock turtlenecks, I don't care. My biggest problem right now isn't the fact that you can't look at e-bay, my problem is getting the server back up and running so everyone can.
5.1 Don't shout at me. Your embarassment that you can't work a computer is ugly and the less time you waste verbally abusing me the more work we can all get done.
5.2 If you call me and say your computer does not work in an impatient voice, please make sure you turned on the computer or check the power cord to see if it is plugged in.
6. Most IT depts have a problem tracking system. Something happens, we doccument the problem, and look at what needs to be done first. If there is something bigger going on, don't expect me to drop everything and fix your Q key, because you have to puch it a little bit harder than the others. If you Have an issue, send an e-mail. E-mail is always better than a phone call. You tell me what you can't do, or what something says, not what you think the problem is. (see #4)
7. Say thanks if we helped you. It goes a long way.
8. If you are calling me to complain about the internet running slow, tell the people in your department to stop streaming music.
9. Its a big place, tell me what room number and phone number you are in, and can be reached at, I’m not psychic, j smith is not enough for me to find you and fix your problem.
I'll add more later, but this is a good starting point for now.