Originally Posted by aberkok
I think there will be a great balancing out.
Last year when I went to Hong Kong I expected a great deal of fascination with the west. I had been brought up with the stereotype of the "Chinese Tourist" - who loved everything from the West. When I got there I quickly realized that they really weren't as concerned as I thought. They were doing fine, thank you very much. The big news when it came to booming economy, or most other things, came out of Singapore, Mumbai or Shanghai.
The sad part, and I hope I'm wrong, is that their reckless pursuit of capital is likely to send them down the same unsustainable path that the West has tread. Worst case scenario would be a hostile expansion by these new powers, into new markets, which are eventually necessary for any capitalist power.
As far as raw materials, I am excited to live in a country where we have a lot of natural wealth.
I'm sure you're already aware of this but I'd thought I should warn not to use Hong Kong as an representation of the whole of China. Particularly development wise, the differences are vast. This is not first hand experience (I have been to Hong Kong but not anywhere in China proper) but from what Chinese friends have told me.