Maybe I didn't explain the situation as well as I had intended.
When I have these dreams, the 'me' in the dream feels guilty about the prospect of cheating, not the 'me' who is doing the dreaming (make sense?

). It bothers me because, like you said, dreams don't often parallel reality. You should feel free to do as you wish because it's a dream - it's not real. I don't feel guilty when I wake up that I've dreamt about another person; I feel guilty while I'm in whatever dream situation and so I don't cheat.
The idea of doing what you want in your dreams is also interesting to me. I don't know about anyone else, but when I dream I usually know it's a dream. I'm aware that what is occuring isn't real. That makes it all the more frustrating for me. I believe that since I know I'm dreaming, I should be able to do whatever I want because it's a dream - but I'm rarely able to.
I hope that makes a bit more sense.