Dreams, in my opinion, do not always have to have anything to do with reality- things we "want" to do, or "wish" we could do, etc.
Meaning that if you have a dream where you kill people, that doesn't make you a serial killer in real life when your real body count is zero, nor does it mean that if you fantasize (dream) about doing stuff with another girl, that it's a betrayal.
To begin with, most of the time you can't control 1. what you dream about, or 2. what you do in those dreams. Even if you choose to do stuff in your dreams, it's still an act of fantasy. Now it's basically on par with daydreaming about doing things with a hot person you see in reality.
Should fantasy really count? I think that's the whole point of fantasy- to be happy thinking about doing something you'd never actually do for real.