So the theory goes that if each person has a sort of middle-level sex drive, they balance out. If either of them has a high sex drive, the other will have a correspondingly low sex drive. If one is a total horny freak, the other is an asexual Ken or Barbie doll. Sounds like, in many cases, a recipe for a lot of frustration.
I don't know whether this is borne out by my experience or not. My sex drive is somewhat higher than lurkette's, but I wouldn't think we're balancing distances from "normal". We're probably both hornier than the average person.
We have a couple of friends who have very little sex life at all, and the only time there's a problem with that is when they think it's "supposed" to be some other way. They're both actually okay with having very little sex.
But these are exceptions that might go to prove the rule.