He is not violent but he has hit me mom a few times in the past (maybe 5 or 6 times over 25 years of marriage).
So...what constitutes being violent to you?
His friends and himself all agree that I am the only hope of getting them back together. Because of this my dad has told me he wants me to drop out of school for the semester and get my mom and him back together. He also says it is not right of him to be paying for my tuition while he can't even stay in his own house.
He lost any rights to 'stay in his own house' when he violated the co-owner-your mother. As for his 'friends', how many of them know he's a wife-beating manipulative weasel?
I am currently enrolled in an extremely expensive college. I dropped out of housing to help lower the cost and am currently staying at a friends house near the college but not sure how much longer that will last.
Well, guess what....there's these places called 'community colleges' and this thing called a 'job'. It would appear to me that your dad beats your mom, spoils you, then holds it over everyone's head; 'look what a good father I am. Now pay me back for it'.
I understand he's your father, but he's no man and not worthy of any respect. Your mother and sister need you, not him. Grow some big ones and stand up for what's right. If you have to leave your 'expensive school', so what? There are worse things in life and seems your mother has experienced more than her fair share.