I'm not talking about a kidnapping for ransom, although that is also certainly a consideration. I'm talking about a garden-variety snatching. Those are pretty rare, true, but they do happen. A pedophile could hack the tracking system, just as every other kind of computer can be hacked, and see the locations of thousands of children.
Also, what makes you someone couldn't just hack all that information from the company itself? Banks and individuals get robbed like that on a fairly regular basis; why not this data too? Peoples identities get stolen all the time in such a way. And what's this about a criminal getting a WARRANT?!
As for the deterrant value, kidnappers in Mexico have already figured out how to avoid being tracked by their victims' implanted chips: they just cut off the arm/leg where the chip is emplanted and leave the thing someplace. Some of the nicer ones just dig the chip out with a pocketknife. Mexican VIPs have been getting chipped for about two years now, and the above-described has already happened several times, most recently to the vice-president of a Mexican bank.
If nothing is more important to you than the safety of your child, DON'T GET THEM CHIPPED.