Originally Posted by maleficent
When I've conducted training classes.. Class starts at XX time... door gets closed and locked at that time.. someone is late -they can reschedule... why is it ok for you to be late and inconveneince the rest of the people in the class who were considerate enough to get there on time...
If someone locked the door when I was late, I would certainly understand and simply turn around and find something else to do. Remember that when I did crew, we had to jump into ice-cold water at 5am if we were even 1 minute late... so I know how to react to penalties for being late.
But If the door is not locked, I come in as quietly as possible (the door hardly clicks, I have it down to an art), sit in the back, and pay attention studiously after that. Usually it is no more than 5 minutes at most... more than that and I often decide to skip the event entirely.
Everyone has a right to enforce their own sense of "lateness," certainly.

The fact is, though, that in many of the classes I attend are taught by professors who are late to just about everything, often to their own classes. When I teach, I am sometimes a minute or two late as well, and as a result I choose not to be harsh on others who are late. (I may be tardy at times, but I won't be a hypocrite on top of that.)

Now, if someone shows up 20-30 minutes late for a class, they get a major frown from me and I note that they have showed up that late (usually they are pretty chronic, and their grades are low anyway).
I'm not proud of being late, but I try to be on time most of the time and if I mess up, I mess up. And I move on. Being late is simply a reality that most people have to deal with. I can either let it stress me out, or let go and do my best and forgive others when they're trying hard to be on time.