Originally Posted by Toaster126
You forgot colored people time. 
Isn't that Jamaican time? I don't think it's a Unviversal people of colour thing...
I like to be on time. I agree with the "respect" angle on this. However, unlike onesnowyowl, I don't think one should show up on time for a party. There is a rule (and I am sure it's written) that you never show up exactly on time for a party. If it is a dinner party, a half hour later than the requested time is on time. If it is a party party (i.e. many people in attendence) then you can be up to an hour, or more, late.
Showing up "on time" for a party guarantees you will piss off your host because inevitably they will still be preparing for your arrival (i.e. showering, changing, etc.). Any additional kitchen prep that a guest might want to help with can wait 30 minutes for your arrival.