09:27:08) toots: NO - i want a man who is passionate about the industry we both work in
(09:27:18) toots: AND successful
(09:27:23) toots: AND understands working hard
(09:27:33) toots: (like 12-13 hours/day)
(09:27:54) toots: AND wants to hire someone to clean the house because we are both too busy
(09:28:00) toots: AND wants kids but later
(09:28:26) toots: AND does not expect me to be the only one to change the diapers or get up in the middle of the night or give baths or ... (should I go on???)
Ok, the the jist of what she is saying, is that she wants someone who works hard. Really hard.
I don't see how you can say she's living in la-la land. Lots of people in fact do work really hard. It appears that toots might be one of them.
The other thing is, different people look for different things in potential mates. What one person finds attractive, another might find repulsive.