im confused.I am on aol.But you say you had the master account,registered at your old you have moved and youre getting the bills...the part I am not understanding is them saying that you are not responsibile...IMO you are if you are the master accnt can have several accnts on aol,but only one 'Master' screen name...
did he always pay the bill when you lived together?does he stil have aol?most credit agreemmnets and accnts arenone-transferable.I would establish whether it was in my name,and whether I am speakin to aol,or if necessary,writing to them..this sometimes works better.Then I would pay up,and if i stil wanted the aol to get it transferred to my new address.
if it is a joint account ....this also needs to be established properly,then both you and him are equally liable.Aol will get on at both of you to pay, and do not care who pays,as long as it gets this case if it was me i would pay it to get me out of the red!