It's always beneficial to define terms so there is a standardized platform, so people are certain what they are agreeing to or disagreeing with. I know that certain branches of Christianity at least teach that life begins with the union of the sperm and the egg, and the process of zygote implantation is not a consideration in their abortion stance. To folks with that view, I believe they would consider daily b/c to be morally unacceptable.
If people's vote in this poll depends on their view of when life begins, then this discussion is part and parcel of the thread. If folks request and give input/clarification, snarkiness not withstanding, thats a viable part of the thread.
I'm glad Plan B is OTC. I am torn about whether it should be available to under-age kids, as on one hand many kids will need it frankly, and will not get it if they have to involve their parents.
On the other hand, if this kind of thing is happening in a family, I do think the parents should know about it. Who knows what else the kid is doing/going through, and the parents could help. I don't imagine that all the parents in America would be so horrible to their kids that it would be horribly traumatic to get the parents informed/involved. Getting parents involved at that stage could prevent things from going to bad to worse. It's called consequences, and I'm not huge on making it so easy for children to avoid it (avoid getting the parents involved, I DO NOT mean don't make it easy for kids to avoid teen pregnancy).
Regarding the arguement that it will lead to greater levels of dangerous promiscuous behavior (resulting in pregnancy, anyways)...I disagree. When I researched RU486 back in college (lo these many years ago, admittedly), studies showed that there weren't a greater number of abortions being performed, just that a percentage were being done with the pharmaceuticals, rather than a full-blown medical procedure. Yes, I know studies and research can be slanted. I read more than one, so *shrug*. Anyways, I think Plan B would be used in much the same way. In the end, one needs to focus on the intention of the pharmaceutical's use, rather than the potential mindset of the potential consumer (and yes of course I realize that this pharmaceutical has the potential for abuse, just like every single other one out there, lurking on drugstore shelves. I often have to ask a store clerk to unlock the antihistamines I need because of the meth makers. Grrr). There has been promiscuity and unwanted babies for millenia, just now we have a few more tools to hopefully address the prevention of the issue.
"Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath.
At night, the ice weasels come." -
Matt Groening
My goal? To fulfill my potential.
Last edited by Sultana; 08-28-2006 at 07:34 AM..
Reason: clarity, I hope