Ever consider your friend enjoys the structure of his relationship. Perhaps, also, it's a choice to spend infinite amounts of time with her. When I started dating my now fiancee I used it also as a way to seperate myself from the group of coworkers/peers that I felt very uncomfortable with. And also, perhaps "bitch" is too harsh a term. Have you spoken to her? Ever? Or are you jumping to conclusions, directing frustration at her, instead of actually trying to deal with the situation. Even speaking to your friend could create hostility. With her you have nothing to lose because you think she has some unreasonable vendetta against you. So just speak to her about hwo you feel, in a nice and open way, show her you care for your friend and thats what you are considered about.
Hopefully you respect your friend enough to realize that he isn't an idoit and can choose partners.
Perhaps I'm wrong.
EX: Whats new?
ME: I officially love coffee more then you now.
EX: uh...
ME: So, not much.