The friend vs. the fiancee
I wasn't sure if I should put this in general or sexuality, so here goes...
I have a friend named Steve who, with a few other people, has been my friend since our freshmen year is college (We're all now seniors). Anyway, sometime last year he started dating some girl (I don't remember her name. It starts with an "M", though). Everything was fine at first (As things usually are), but as time passed she turned into a manipulative and controlling bitch.
If we want to go out to eat somewhere, he has to get her approval.
He has to get her approval to hang out with me (None of his other friends, mind you).
He has to check in with her at least five times a day (I'm serious!).
Whenever I try to talk to Steve about anything concerning his fiance, she will chime in with a prompt "You can talk when you have a girlfriend!" line.
And, to top everything off, I didn't even get a wedding invation because "His fiancee doesn't want me there".
So basically, I don't know what I should. I'm really contemplating just letting it go and cutting my losses but, you know, it kinda' sucks to lose a friend of 3 years to such an evil, coniving bitch. Any suggestions?
I believe in equality; Everyone is equally inferior to me.