I'm just an unknowing dad, very funny!
This will really make you laugh!
Recently my wife was folding laundry, my 16 year old daughter's clothes specifically. She was folding her little panties and the next item she picked had a strange waistband and two leg straps. I turned white(as the blood drained, images of strange crotch less panties ran through my head, my baby) my wife said what's wrong? I said what kind of panties are those! She roared hysterically, not able talk for a few minutes and said as she flipped them over, these aren't panties this is a sports bra!
I felt like a total idiot! It's a running joke now, my daughter get's really PO when my wife and I laugh about it.
Guy's and Gal's what dumb things have you done or said about your kids or SO, just out of simple niavity?
Be honest now, we have all been the butt of the joke. So let's hear em'...
"That's a joke... I say, that's a joke, son"