My only advice is to not let them graze. I saw you post about how much you feed her, "fill her bowl every day and a half" i think...
My experience with Nigel was that he was 19.5 pounds when i got him back (long story). He gets 1 cup of food a day (Iams tuna and rice). He is down to a spry 16.5 pounds. Still a big kitty, but not fat. He and his bro would eat all day long if we let them. Clyde is all about the food bowl. He just lays around waiting for dinner. *shakes head*
anyway... I hear ya JTK. when i lived in europe, my folks made food for thier golden retriver. i used to joke that she ate better then we did.
Every passing hour brings the Solar System forty-three thousand miles closer to Globular Cluster M13 in Hercules — and still there are some misfits who insist that there is no such thing as progress.
Kurt Vonnegut - Sirens of Titan