Originally Posted by JamesB
No offense but the above advice is both pathetic and immature.
My version would have read: grow your OWN testicles and tell her yourself.
No offense taken. We live in differnt realities.
I am all for telling girls straight up what the deal is. I advocate this point of view. The OP specifically said he wanted to keep things going allong the same path. Thus I gave the above advace because it conducive to his needs. Sometimes people won't do the right thing and thats okay as long as they are happy and not doing too much damage.
Socially inducting her to the OPs frame of mind actually works wonders. I have a friend right now who missed a beat and didnt make thigns clear with his current girl (like five nights in the sack later) so he introduced her to his other girlfriends who know him as a casual guy and they communicated that across to his girl. It's a smooth way of doing it because if other girls accept him so can she...get it. If he was to tell her straight up...she would be like "what changed?!" and be in a bit of a shock. I've seen it time and time again so it does work.
On top of this people are assuming that this girl the OP is sleeping with wants to turn things serious when it's very possible that she too is happy with keeping things light.