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Old 08-18-2006, 01:17 AM   #5 (permalink)
LOCAL NEWS | Friday, August, 18, 2006

<b>National fears trigger local trepidation</b>

By Curtis Johnson
The Herald-Dispatch

HUNTINGTON -- The potentially explosive situation at Tri-State Airport Thursday <b>came at a time when many residents are increasingly concerned about threats of terrorism at home and abroad.</b>

Just last week, British authorities busted a would-be Trans-Atlantic terror plot aimed at bringing down multiple commercial flights.

That prompted U.S. authorities to ban passengers from packing any liquids or gels in their carry-on luggage for fear a terrorist would use liquid-based explosives to execute his or her deadly plan.

Then news that a woman of Pakistani descent was stopped at a Huntington airport's security checkpoint Thursday with a potentially explosive material in her carry-on luggage triggered fears in many.

A foreign policy expert says that is a sign of our times.....
More evidence that the wacko conspiracy theories spouted by the left on these threads, should be moved to paranoia.

It is obvious from the above reporting (a local reporter wrote a news report from the "heartland", unembellished by mega-corp liberal media....), that the "fear" of terror in the US is a grassroots phenomena.

Politicians do not lead the people. The successful ones who actually hold elected office......(not the unemployed losers who spend their time whining about losing election after election), either possess an uncanny knack for predicting trends of deepseated public concerns, or employ advisors who do that sort of thing for them, <b>anticipate and react</b> to:
.....residents [who] are increasingly concerned about threats of terrorism at home and abroad......
This isn't rocket science, folks. President Bush has his hand on the pulse of the common man. His policies are driven by their concerns...their emotions...
their needs. After 9/11, a man of the President's ability and demeanor.... a man whose supporters often mentioned that he was approachable and the kind of guy who they would be comfortable "having a beer" with....was the right leader, at the precise time when Americans grew fearful; needed to be reassured; and they still clamor for that kind of leadership today.

The proof is in how "edgy", many Americans still are acting. I just don't get the Michael Moore/moveon dot org mindset that wants to fault Mr. Bush for what he does best.....protect us via his stalwart and unbending policies of a GWOT.

The people demanded a response like the color coded red, terror alert at US airports last week, as their reaction in West Virginia demonstrates, a week later. President Bush, in touch with public sentiment, was quick to respond, and wisely....quickly issued the red alert. I'm sure that he knew that he would be attacked by the left and the liberal media, for the red alert and the strict airline passenger screening, but my sig, below, explains it all, quite nicely. 'Nuff said !

Last edited by host; 08-18-2006 at 01:20 AM..
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