Originally Posted by Elphaba
Our suburban sprawl has reduced most of the opportunities for "natural" exercise, such as walking or biking to school, a quick trip to the store, or just a visit with friends. The suburbia of the '50's expected kids to walk to school (ten miles, uphill, in both directions) where I think most kids today catch a school bus.
I used to live in suburbia. When I caught a bus, it was because I lived several miles from the junior high I was attending at the time. I still had to walk several blocks to the actual bus stop, though. After we moved to another neighborhood, we had no bus--the elementary school was about 1/2 mile away, the junior high was right over the back fence of our yard, and the high school was 1/2 mile away. So for a good part of our schooling, my brother and I walked or rode bikes to school.