Mandy and I still both live with our parents, so though we live 10mins apart, it's a long way from that living-together feeling (or what I hope it's going to feel like).
She's usually up before me in the morning and will either send me an sms or gimme a call on my cellphone to let me know that she's woken up. I'll reply when I wake up, usually with an sms to tell her I love her and to have a good day. Then it's an sms/call when either of us leave for work/school and another when we get there.
In the evening, we'll let each other know when we're leaving work/school in the usual way and again when we get home. We go to the gym together most weeknights, between 7 and 9PM. Then it's back to her house for supper and some tv on the couch. Some kissing and snuggling usually ensues (she just can't keep her hands off me
) and I'll usually leave there between 10 and 11. We do this thing where we kiss each other 5 times before we part.
When I get home I'll sms her to let her know that I got home ok and then we'll swap messages until it's bed-time. Can't wait till we're married and living together. Then hopefully there'll be some sex somewhere in that routine.