Bill the ASE certified automotive technician says: First, the 85 Nissan Pulsar comes with the 1.6 (1600 cc) inline 4 cyl (just so you know)
also, more information is needed. Does it stall AFTER you have stopped at intersection? or does it die AS you are stopping? What RPM does it idle at normally? does is start right back up after itdies? or do you have to work at it to get it restarted?
As far as idle adjustment, you do not have a carb per service information, you are fuel injected, so you have an automatically adjusting idle speed DON"T MESS WITH IT! You will confuse the computer. I would actually be looking to see if you have a diagnostic code stored to help. MANY of those Pulsars had trouble with crankshaft sensors. No crank signal? no engine run. so if you give us more info, I might be able to help.