Originally Posted by Deltona Couple
...but in TODAYS world, what is more important? Privacy? or their safety?
George Orwell would be proud.
How about just locking them in their room until they're 18? That's safest.
The major problem with your story is what I call the lightning factor. Shit is going to happen. You can't provide for every eventuality... and even if you prepare for anything life may throw at you, there's always going to be the unpredictability of "the world". At any time, anything could happen to you.
This is not to say that some basic precautions shouldn't be taken, like wearing a seatbelt when you're driving or using ropes and such during rock-climbing.
But when you start dissecting particular events and saying "this terrible thing would have happened if not for," you get into the territory of blaming every near-miss on good planning. To that end, you'd walk around wearing full body armor, padding, GPS tracking devices, flotation devices, parachute, oxygen tank and wetsuit...
The thing is, at what point do we say "the likelihood of x happening is about as likely as randomly being hit by lightning" and just realize that certain precautions are way, way overkill?
Think about this for a little second: what if, instead of that girl, the girl standing next to her had been taken and (forbid) perhaps lost? Lightning, man. Shit's gonna happen. That doesn't mean you make a person live their life in fear, or fettered.