Originally Posted by Smooth23
I did already tell the new girl, that if I developed anything for her it would be very slow, and that I still had feelings for my ex. I found out long long ago that lying or being dishonest with a girl is nothing but a chance to fuck up. This girl seemed okay with the prospect of going slow, but she was all over me at the same time. I didn't want to push her away or anything(I do like her), but it just didn't feel right. I am going to do my damndest to not make her a rebound, and I'm not going to screw her till I've completely lost any feelings I still have for my ex.
Wooo, slow down partner. I never tell a woman my feelings that soon in a relationship. You don't have to lie or be dishonest, just every thing comes in time and that is way to early, and at least the woman that I have dated don't want to hear that.
I looked on a thread that you posted only in May wondering about getting involved with a woman with a child, is that the woman that you were/are in love with? Thats only three months buckeroo, not much time to develop feelings that deep for someone.
I guess that you are looking for some advise if you are posting here. I'm no expert but you really need to take a little time off before diving into another relationship. You know time to reflect. Somethings wrong, is it your game? Your approach? Maybe you dive in to everything to early? I don't know but you need to think about these things.
Taking it slow with the new girl, isn’t going to work. You need to fix yourself first or this new relationship is doomed.