Any of you girls like to do this? Any of you guys enjoy being teased? Personally, I´ve always found that men keep their brains in their pants and always seem more attentive and considerate when they´re desperate for sex.
When dating I don´t drop my panties for a few months. I then know whether the guy´s a jerk or not, and know that he can control himself. Plus it keeps him keen - guys always want what they can´t get.
We have a fairly healthy sex life, but it´s on my terms, when I want, how I want and where I want - which is pretty good for me!
I like to keep my boyfriend aroused and frustrated most of the time. We´ve been together two-and-a-half years, so I guess he likes it as well. We normally have sex twice a week.
I love getting all frisky and heavy with him - long, lingering kisses, interspersed with light pecks, whilst running my nails up and down his back and across his groin and then pretending I´ve forgotten to make an urgent ´phone call or something. He´s sometimes on his knees, literally begging for sex.
In the bedroom, I give him a ´good night kiss´, which he uses as a desperate attempt to initiate sex. I then get him all hot and bothered and go to sleep. When we do have sex, I make him squirm for an hour first, everytime he tries to get my panties off, I grab his hands and continue kissing him, he ends up almost tearing them off and we have the most passionate, electric sex.
The thing is I was chatting with a few girl friends about their relationships and I´m treated like a queen in comparison to them. Their boyfriends and husbands don´t run them baths and take them out for meals, buy them flowers. All I hear is of them farting in bed, coming home drunk, falling asleep in front of the TV and their sex lives have fizzled out or it´s a few grunts, roll over and sleep. Treat them mean, keep them keen.