Originally Posted by Super Model
Thats the thing, it is all couter-productive. Wierd. On one side it supposed to stop the appetite, but at the same time stimulates it. "Eat regularly and keep away from sweets, fat, alcohol (well, ok at least that was noticed), sparkling water". I don't get it.
You're supposed to use their other products in conjunction with the weight loss ones. It says in once place that alcohol is fine but in another that it's not. That's bad.
And since when is Thailand known for weight loss clinics or even as a major contributor to Western or Eastern medicine? Not that there aren't brilliant Thai doctors, but some of the claims on the website are just ludacris. Hopefully, you're already looking for a more reputable product.
Redlemon, if you follow the FDA link on the Snopes story, you'll see that some people don't process one of the amino acids in aspratame. That could be the cause of your headaches, not that it will help them go away.