Originally Posted by stevo
keep in mind his bac was only .12 - that and he's an admitted alcoholic. most alcoholics I know wake up with a .12 not go on anti-semetic tirades. .12 what is that like 4 beers? damn mel is a lightweight pussy.
From a professional in the field
As stated above a long term alcoholic who has liver issues will get drunk on less, it's called a tolernece break. (Hopefully, this isn't Mel's case.)
Also, when a recovering alcoholic who has a significant amount of time in recovery (everyone is different and thus the results) when they first "slip" it may take very little to "get them drunk". They will return very fast to the tolerence level they stopped at, but the first 2-3 times out they'll get "drunk" on very little.
Also, who's to say alcohol was the only drug in his system, it's the only one they tested for.
Before stating the above, keep those facts in mind.