During the school year:
Morning: My alarm goes off and I get it before it wakes up Grace. I get out of bed leaving Grace to sleep a bit longer, fix some tea, wake Grace up and we have morning tea together. While she showers and gets ready for the day, I fix breakfast, and Sissy will wander downstairs around this time. If it's early enough, she'll help out, but if not or if she had a long night studying, she'll just park herself at the table. We have breakfast together and I'll head upstairs to shower, brush my teeth and get dressed while she and Sissy clear the table, check e-mail and do some work on the computer, or watch some morning news. I'll make the bed as best I can. Lovey, our housekeeper, always remakes it on the days she's here, but I can't stand the idea of letting it just go unkempt until she gets here. Depending on when Grace starts work and when my and Sissy's first classes are that day, we'll each take off whenever it's convenient, which varies from day to day.
Evening: Once we're sure we're doing wandering about for the evening, Grace and I will retreat to the master suite, I'll take my evening shower, or sometimes we'll share an evening bath together, do the evening beauty ritual, remove makeup, moisturize, touch up nails if necessary, make love if we feel like it, cuddle up and watch a little tv together for a bit. Grace goes to sleep about three to four hours earlier than I do. Once she's in bed, I'll pick out outfits for the next day and get those laid out and make sure there are no wrinkles and so forth, take our evening tea tray downstairs, get it ready for the morning and check to make sure everything is turned off, the doors and windows locked, and the alarm is on. It used to bug Grace that we'd do this together before heading to bed, and I'd still do it again, but she's resigned herself to accepting that I
have to check a second time or I can't sleep. I surf the net for a bit, do some work, read comic books, and at about 1:00-2:00, or whenever I get sleepy, I'll cuddle up and doze off.
When I'm not working, I'll take care of Grace and Sissy in the mornings before I do my stuff at my leisure, giving us a little more morning time together, and on Grace's days off when I'm working (she'll be working the day shift M-F this coming school year--Yay, matching schedules every day

) she'll sleep in or prop herself up in bed and watch me get dressed and put on my makeup.