Ours changes every day between a few scenarios...
Either he gets up at 5:30, often before the alarm goes off, turns it off and takes the cats with him into the other room and closes the door. Often the cats will take this opportunity to snuggle and say good morning as well. He's left his work clothes in the 2nd bedroom so he doesn't wake me. He's gone by 5:47a for the gym, having washed his face and teeth and gotten dressed. I get up around 6:30a... hit snooze once or twice and drag my tush to the bathroom to pee, then shower, then get ready, then have breakfast/make latte in my travel mug, then get dressed and leave, often by around 7:45. We often meet on the bus on the way out, since the bus at our house stops at his gym as well.
Other days, my routine is the same, but Q will get up at 7am, pee, shower, eat breakfast while on the computer, get dressed, and then we'll both leave together.
And other days, I get up at 5-530a to go to PT or other things, and he'll either go to the gym at 530 or regular work at 7am.
And SOMEtimes, not that often, but every once in a while... we are late to work for a morning quickie. Those are good mornings.
At night, frankly, life is just too busy to actually have a routine. If we're home, we can start going to bed at 9:30 or 11:30, depending on busyness and levels of exhaustion. Q has rehearsals for shows or music or meetings or seminars or open mic sessions or stuff with friends or errands, and gets home all different times. I have classes or volunteering or stuff with friends or errands, and I also get home all different times. Plus there's homework, or for Q, practicing scripts or songs.
But when we can, we both decide it's bedtime, and we both wash faces/brush teeth, and crawl into bed, and cuddle (usually I'm resting my head on his shoulder), and we often talk 30-45 minutes about our days and things. We never mean to, it's just that we can't help but chat for a while.
And then we pass out. Lately, this involves Q actually
falling asleep before me (previously unimaginable), and snoring very loudly. I then jostle him until he says "Was I snoring? Was I snoring? I'm sorry!".
I want my pillow and my guy. *sniffle*