I'll tell you this much...it never hurts to own a bike. I didn't get into how easy it is to purchase a used bike for a low price. If nothing else you can get a little exercise and who knows.
I certainly never expected to get into riding and would have told you at the time that it was just for fun. I had other long-term "wants." Just remember: you're not making a life time commitment.
There are a few things in life that really let your body go free. Diving and snorkeling are two of those things for me, along with riding. Sky diving and hang gliding aren't for me, but I'm sure other people see those activities like that. There's nothing like the freedom of coasting down a long hill!
Find something fun that is right for you and try a lot of things along the way!
If you're wringing your hands you can't roll up your shirt sleeves.
Stangers have the best candy.