Thanks everyone for all the suggestions thus far. Some really good ones that have been made which I can feasibly check out (I have access to or can buy them) are: Eternal Darkness, Morrowind, Monkey Island series and Vampire the Masquerade. To clarify, puzzles are not really what makes the game interesting to me. A decent plot, writing and voice acting are what I care about. Having some puzzles thrown in is fun but does not need to be the focus. Having a few fight scenes is alright with me too. For example, another game I really liked was Undying. While it was not really classified as adventure it did have some elements of the adventure genre. It was an FPS but it had an interesting story and decent voice acting. I tried playing Myst several years ago but it left me feeling cold. But that was several years ago so maybe I should try again.
Anyways, keep the suggestions coming. Thanks again to everyone who participated.