Originally Posted by swmnkdinthervr
A huge percentage of communication in a romantic relationship is by physical contact followed by subtle or overt gestures, last and possibly least is talking...
Well, physical contact is a big deal, but that's not what the OP is about... he is asking about sex in particular.
For me, talking/communication is HUGE, and definitely takes precedence over anything else in the relationship. Words are very important to me, both giving and receiving them, so that could never be replaced by sex.
That said, I used to believe that sex was not that important to a relationship (back when I was an adamant virgin and rather religious, too). I've since come to understand how very important it can be... though, as Sage said, it all depends on the circumstances. If my partner could not have sex for some reason, that wouldn't be a dealbreaker... we would find other ways of being physically intimate. Of course, if he just didn't find me desirable anymore, or vice versa... and if it was an effort just to cuddle... well, that would be a dealbreaker.