Originally Posted by maleficent
You're walking a fine line between confidence and arrogance there, kitten muncher
Wanting to know if it's good for her because you want your ego stroked that you're the best she has ever had is bad... but asking if it was good for her is also showing that you do care, which isn't a sign of weakness...
Maleficent (

) you have the most male oriented intelligence of the female posters on this board to the point I have to take your word that you are female, of course being a real man I mean that as a compliment. Others are so obviously female that sometimes I can smell the popuri in the backround.
As such I expected you to see my first line as sarcasm, something most females are very poor at (remember my diamond add post? oh god).
You know maleficent, you and I would make a good pair, come visit and I'll serve kitten.