Originally Posted by SAM821
and you didnt hit it?? man... a little more meat on the bones shouldnt have stopped your potentially wild adventures.
oh well
Ha ha. Dude, I
like a little meat, but dude.... she was big. I weigh 230 and she looked heavier than me. For real.
Originally Posted by captobvious
I have a friend who dated a girl that turned into a lesbian. I don't think she ever tried to have sex with him after the break up though. She ended up going back to men in the end though, so there could be some twists left in your story...
Yeah, I'm not sure, but I think she's just wanting the extra attenetion... could be wrong tho.
Originally Posted by The_Jazz
How am I the first one to suggest a threesome with the ex's girlfriend? Man, you guys are losing a step...
HA HA! I actually considered that, but one's obese and the other is fugly.
Originally Posted by Rodney
Fact: most women are bi at heart, if the circumstances and the other person are right. Some are more bi than others. A lot of lesbians are just women who've made a choice, because of their psychology or because they're fonder of hot women than hot men, or because they don't think men are worth the trouble. And this choice is reversible, permanently or temporarily.
So: just about any lesbian who's eager to get into the sack with a guy is probably, maybe 10-20 percent more "gay" than the average woman -- if that. So I would never let that stop me -- and I didn't. About half the gay women I knew growing up had boyfriends off and on. But they identified themselves as gay.
That said, there are lesbians who are gay from the bone, like many men who identify themselves as gay. But these gay women are _not_ going to ask a guy to get into bed with them. At least, none I knew ever did.
I had a girlfriend once who'd been sorta gay/gay by choice for a while, and she had a woman friend who was gay from the bone, and we both sorta liked each other. When I broke up with my girlfriend, her really gay friend kinda hung around me for a while. It was a compliment: she finally told me she liked me so much that she wanted to see if we'd strike any sparks together. But it didn't work out: she was just too gay for the chemistry to work.
Hmm, intersting. Well, I'm just complimented she thought I was good looking enough to try to get into bed with. Either that or she thought I was really feminine looking and be able to do stuff her girlfriend couldn't.
Originally Posted by Toaster126
What a descriptive thread title... :/
Hey, made you look! :-P