So she has male friends who you think are trying to get in her pants, and that she's not changing her schedule to fit your needs the way you think she should be doing? It could be they do want to get with her and are using slick lines to do so. It could also be that they are in fact, having a problem with their girlfriend and need someone to talk to. I have a few very close female friends I talk to about all sorts of personal issues, and they do the same with me. I do this because I trust them and value their opinions, not because I am trying to "hook up" with them. It could be that you like spending time with her so much that you get very jealous when anyone else is spending time with her and you are not. As for her "needing" to change her schedule to accomodate your needs as you have done for her, did she ever ask you to change your schedule? Yeah, that sucks that you were gone for a week and your schedules are busy and you don't get to hang out much. Beginning a new relationship is always going to have some ups and downs. Hell, not just the beginning. Realize that it is a big change for both of you, and while she may love you, she probably doesn't want to spend all of her time with you. She doesn't want to stop spending time with the friends she had before she entered a relationship with you, and I would say it's safe to assume she wants you to do the same thing as well. And that's ok.
I've got the love of my life and a job that I enjoy most of the time. Life is good.
Last edited by monkeysugar; 07-15-2006 at 05:36 PM..
Reason: clarity. Thouroughness.