well, lets put a little different spin on this.. first of all, You said you have been with her for about a month, and you also said that you both love each other to death... Personally, I dont think thats possible, and its as easy as this, If she fell in love with you that fast, she can fall out of love with you just that fast as well.. its happened to me before...
Now, on the same note, I will not bash you for being worried, shit I would be pissed too if that happened to me. You have every right to be upset. Now, because this relationship is so new, you cannot attack her for this. You just need to be slick and pick up any info from her about the situation, if she is being a little shady to you, then there may be some concern. Bottom line is, IT HAS ONLY BEEN ONE MONTH, so take things for what they are worth, and remember that you are still trying to win this girls heart.
Good luck and hopefully everything works out well...