Originally Posted by Undercover_Man
Now I can't quite put in words what I want to say. I understand what my thoughts are about this but I can't put them into words. In my opinion, they should call it off. I mean if you don't know if you are going to be happy with someone in a long term relationship then that's bad news already.
Any thoughts on advise I can give to her?
- Undercover_Man
BTW: This guy is a doctor so financially he should be able to take care of himself and his family. They have also known each other for 1 year or 2 as good friends.
How long have they been together?
I had the same type of feelings about my gf in college. I wasn't sure if I wanted to marry her, I knew she was in love with me, I wasn't sure if I was with her, blah blah blah. Well we dated for six years before we got married and have now been together for 15 years total. I'm glad no one gave me the advice to call it off based on not being 100% sure she was 'the one'.
Also as a doctor myself I can understand his feelings on not wanting to talk to her until after the pressure is off. Having your heart ripped out sort of makes it hard to study, and they don't give you extra time because your GF broke up with you.