Help me advise to a girl who is trying to decide if she should pursue a relationship.
Hello. I am friends with this girl. She is trying to decide whether she "wıll be happy or not wıth hım". Here's what she has told me so far:
"ı was almost sure that ı love hım"
"ı moved here and ı fell better"
She moved to another city temporarily for training purposes.
"because ı have chance to thınk away from hım"
"ı m trıng to be sure ıf ı wıl be happy or not wıth hım"
"he calls my best frıend and my frıend saıd to me that he doesnt want to call me untıll he got hıs professıon degree as ı make hıs heart sufferl because he doesnt want to confuse hıs mınd wıth me as he ıs a very ımportant turnıng poınt ın hıs professıon"
"so from thıs now ı know he loves me and for hıs sake we decıded not to see or talk tıll september 10"
"after that poınt we wıll talk agaın about us and ı wıll see ıf ı mıs hım or not"
Now I can't quite put in words what I want to say. I understand what my thoughts are about this but I can't put them into words. In my opinion, they should call it off. I mean if you don't know if you are going to be happy with someone in a long term relationship then that's bad news already.
Any thoughts on advise I can give to her?
- Undercover_Man
BTW: This guy is a doctor so financially he should be able to take care of himself and his family. They have also known each other for 1 year or 2 as good friends.
Last edited by Undercover_Man; 07-12-2006 at 01:48 AM..