Originally Posted by maleficent
i was on a flight last year, where this idiot mother, changed her kids nasty diaper and dropped it on the beverage cart for the flight attendent to toss out - I swear by all that is holy, the flight attendent was going to evict this woman at 35000 feet.
it was bad enough she changed the diaper while the kid (who was old enough to be potty trained) was standing on the seat (didn't even go to the rest room( she didn't even put the dirty stinky diaper into the air sick bag..
If I were one of those flight attendants, I definitely would've evicted her without a thought. I cannot imagine the thought process (or lack thereof) required to decide to change a baby sitting at your seat and then just drop the diaper on the cart. What a horrible thought.
At my office the other day one of my bosses was talking about how one of her kids was screaming on an airplane one time and some woman kept turning around whenever the kid would scream and give my boss a dirty look. My boss eventually said, "What do you want me to do? If I could stop the screaming I would" and the woman stopped. My boss seemed very offended that someone would hold her responsible for having a screaming kid on the plane. I, needless to say, kept my mouth shut.
Screaming kids are some of the most annoying things on the planet (for a good reason, from an evolutionary standpoint). I don't envy parents who have them and are trying to deal with them, but man are they a pain in the ass, particularly when you have parents like those in the examples given in this thread who clearly missed the memo about having respect for people around them.