*ducking flying pacifiers*
Gee, where are my peeps? Usually, when I complain about cleanliness and kids in restaurants, I get a lot of "amens" from the congregation. But somebody let the Armed Parent Militia sneak in the door.
Oh, wait, I know where my peeps are. They're all dead from catching bizarre baby diseases at slovenly restaurants.
And as long as this can of worms got opened, I can either eat with wild kids or eat at exclusive/expensive restaurants? That's my only choice? No, there is a third option - the one I was raised under. Teach kids to behave in public. They're not too young to start, you know. Don't think of a restaurant as a Hands-On Discovery Science Museum/Playground. Think of it as a place where people like to eat in peace and civility.
Phobia? I have a "concern" for health and cleaniliness, but I wouldn't call it a paranoid, loony, whacko, irrational phobia. However, I DO have a huge phobia of folks who demand that I hold their baby and expect me to love all babies the way they do. I don't do babies. That's my choice.
And there are many of us out there.......waiting.......holding secret meetings.......terrified of being scolded by pissed-off parents.......
Living is easy with eyes closed.
Last edited by warrrreagl; 07-11-2006 at 05:00 AM..