I think what you are experiencing is somewhat normal - but it's not a premidlife crisis (I'm in one of those right now.. that'snot it) it's like you're becoming an actual adult... not that you weren't before -but it's now turning to accepting responsibilities that you didn't have before- property, another life... it's daunting and can be overwhelming...
Thinking about yourself is a good thing, not enough people do that... they're always doing what the other person wants and in the long run- aren't happy...
There's a lot more you can experience in life.. but it doesn't necessarily mean you have ot experience it without your wife... or maybe you do... only you can answer the question do you truly love your wife, from the bottom of your toes to see where life takes you... if the answer is no.. the it's not fair to either one of you to stay in the marriage... if the answer is yes - then you'll have a great future ahead of you..
Children and property don't mean that you are getting old or even growing roots where you can't experience everything in life... you can do both...
Have you both considered couples counseling to work out some of these issues?
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.