I give my daughter 30 bucks a weeks, no just kidden I give her 2 bucks a week. I do assign some chores a long with that, not a lot just clean the room and put away her and her sister's laundry.
I added a extra kicker in there for her. Any thing that she wants, cept clothing and nick nacks, I will pay half. So if she wants one of those hideous Bratzs dolls she need to fork up six or eight bucks and I'll flip the other half.
I think this is a good system, cause she must save money if she wants the things that she wants, rather than blowing it on candy bars or some other stuff at five and below. Same time good for me cause half the time I dont have to fork the money for a bunch of crap that she don't need anyways.
I started her on this at age 6 and she is now 9, so seven is not too young, but four is, really what vaule does a four year old see in money. But what the hell do I know, they say that you can never start them too young, maybe this is one of those times.
Her juju beads are so nice
She kissed my third cousin twice
Im the king of pomona