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Old 07-08-2006, 01:37 PM   #19 (permalink)
Location: bedford, tx
Originally Posted by Jimellow
How intensive is the process of obtaining a permit to carry a handgun?
It is all dependent upon the state. Some states do not require permits for open carry, some do. Two states don't require permits for open OR concealed carry (Vermont and Alaska).

Originally Posted by Jimellow
I enjoy hiking... would I be able to obtain a gun permit on the basis that it may be needed for self defense in the woods? Is a valid reason required in order to obtain a permit, or is it more of an issue of a person having a stable mindset and a clean history?
PA does not require a permit at all to carry a handgun openly, except in Philadelphia. You can carry while hiking without a problem, just check your states firearms code so you can be aware of what places you would be prohibited from carrying a handgun.

Originally Posted by Jimellow
I have willingly been ignorant regarding gun laws, and specifically carry permits, as it generally isn't something that interests me, nor something I necessarily support, yet discovering that most states do allow non-enforcement personel to carry firearms was a bit of a wake up call for me.

I realize all guns can't be banned, and that is also a debate for another topic or time, and one I am not particularly interested in, due to partly to my ignorance regarding the matter, and also the fact that I am ridiculously biased in my support against gun carry laws.. Despite this, I think a "catching up" is in order, and thus am certainly interested in the process by which gun permits are obtained, etc.

Thanks again.
Those states that don't require permits for open carry obviously have no training requirements. The states that require permits for carrying, whether open or concealed, generally have somewhat different requirements but usually have a minimum amount of classroom hours to go teach gun safety as well as the laws of that state. They also require time on the range to be proficient.

You are welcome for the information. If I may make a suggestion about your bias, instead of relying on news media and slanted view points try gaining knowledge of both sides of the issue. Many people simply look at the numerous reports of gun violence and decide that people shouldn't carry. There are many more people that carry within the law and don't break the law.

Good Luck
"no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything. You cannot conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him."
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