Originally Posted by Jason762
1100 calories?! You better weigh no more than 85 pounds and that's lean body mass calculations!! That's WAY to little. Especially with cardio? Dude (or dudette), eat more. I bet you have very little muscle now.
Those last 5 pounds are hard to lose. Even harder if you don't have the muscle to burn those calories. Muscle burns calories, so the more you have, the more calories you consume. If you have been undereating like that, you're not gonna have a lot of muscle, thus very little calorie burning effect.
Let me think/look around a bit and see if I can help (without having to resort to suppliments).
EDIT: I'm not gonna give advice, but if you want it I will give it. Good luck on your quest! Let us know how it goes.
I don't know where you got your information, but you lose weight by a caloric deficit. One pound of fat is equivalent to 3500 Calories. So, assume you have a 2000 Calorie metabolism (+any Calories burned during the day), if you consume 1500 Calories/day, you will lose one pound of fat every week.
So, telling someone to eat MORE to LOSE weight is simple failure in math. Eating below your basal metabolism will result in fat loss, not muscle atrophy as you allude to. The reason that weight-lifters eat such a high-caloric diet is so that they have the energy necessary to amass such muscle and that their body will also use all of the excess Calories for bodily processes (metabolism). This person is trying to lose weight, explained above.