Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
Treaty of Tripoli was ratified with many different versions, only one of them contained the 10th clause that people so oftenly point regarding the "foundation" of this country; on top of that the Treaty of Tripoli was never re-ratified, therefore it is not law nor binding.
Given that its a treaty with a foreign power that no longer exists, it's irrelevant anyway. The relevant point is that it was ratified in the first place and was in fact law and binding during the early history of the country, most pointedly at the point that the Founding Fathers were still the political force of the nation. It is very relevant to the arguement and goes to show the FF's intent in the 1st Amendment.
However, the Treaty of Tripoli has little or nothing to do with the topic of the harrassment of non-Christians by government employees. Should the allegations be proven, I would hope for a hefty judgement against the school system (which would be paid by insurance companies, btw) and the firing/resignation of the offending officials. Government authorities, regardless of their faith (or lack thereof), should not be able to force their personal views on students in an extra curricular manner.