Originally Posted by mokle
Or he could do both, and achieve better results faster.
HIIT is better for you than walking, too.
If you only do HIIT you'll nevef train your body to process fat. Read the attached from a six-time Ironman winner if you want support for that position. Low intensity is an important part of the package. Also, I was being a little sarcastic comparing pills to actual excercise.
Originally Posted by Artsemis
Thank you!
thingstodo, I really value your opinion but please listen. I'm simply asking if there is anything harmful in that which I linked. Either way I'm going to be running, I'm just wondering if there's harm in trying Lean System 7 while doing so.
If it doesn't work, I'll know. I'll stop wasting money; I'm simply asking if there's anything harmful in it. By harmful, I mean worse than drinking a can of red bull 
Than I think the answer is yes, it is harmful. Anything that speeds up your body with chemicals will hurt you. Red Bull is bad due to the chemicals and the (refined) sugar crash from glyco problems.
I've seena few studies on all the "energy" drinks. About the only one that is really effective and safe is 5 Hour Energy because it is mainly a high concentration of B vitamins.
shakran, soccerchamp76... a tip of the hat for some great material!