Originally Posted by raeanna74
Actually, her mother and my mother were friends when we were kids. Her mother was very careful with her, made sure she was dressed cleanly, fed well, and gave her opportunities to do a lot of different things.
Also I found out that she was always in the special ed assistance classes in school, all the way through high school. She's a little lacking intelligence and it shows.
We're slowly getting the whole picture here. If she's borderline retarded, as her actions and history would seem to indicate, perhaps it's not that she wants to neglect the children, but genuinely does not know how to take care of them. In other words, perhaps Social Services can assign a social worker to teach her how to be a mom. Happens all the time.
Additionally, you should at minimum get certified, if for no other reason than to avoid potential legal problems. Right now if a kid gets hurt under your watch it would be VERY easy for the parent to claim "Gee I thought she was qualified and then my kid gets hurt and I find out she didn't even bother to get certified." You'd probably lose that case.
If you're subject to surprise inspections (Why does this worry you? If you're doing everything right, inspections aren't a big deal) then it helps establish a track record for you that you're running a good, non-neglectful daycare.