Well, Holy Fuck. As if this story wasn't bad enough, it turns out that a website called Stop the ACLU decided to publish the names and new addresses of the Jewish family that had to move away because of the death threats, racial remarks, etc., against them. When asked about it, this is what the head of STACLU had to say:
Pogrom? I'm not sure I want to call it that. That is not an appropriate term, however, I am pleased that we had an effect in this case. We have others we want to put up on the site to shame them but have not gotten around to it. And I'm not so sure I can take credit for it. However, if an ACLU speaker was booed, that's music to my ears.
Nedd Kareiva
You can also find a screenshot of that website at that link.
This is why you keep any and all state-sponsored religion out of schools. Because nothing's crazier than a homogenous group of religious fundamentalists - no matter the religion.
Lastly, and this may be somewhat unfair, but to the guilty parties in that Delaware school district: Fuck you. Fuck you and your inbred fucking Christian Right, KKK-loving hick families, too. Arg.
P.S. Yeah, the KKK did make an appearance as well. Sigh.