I feel that she needs to learn to pick herself up, and not be so depended on people/state.
I agree with that statement -- but from what I've seen from people - they don't know how to do anything else.. it's something that really needs to be taught if it doesn't come naturally to them. Is it your place to teach her? I don't know - I don't enought about your relationship to answer that...
Budgeting money doesn't come naturally to a lot of people... maybe suggesting a course she could take to help her with that...
Is it your place to support her? She's got the kids with her, and well the rent will cover a roof over their head so you are helping out your children.
Originally Posted by cookmo
Could you possibly write up a contract saying she has to pay you back with interest or else the money gets deducted from next months child support. Or go ahead and make an early payment on next months support?
Child support is support for the children... Deducting a loan/gift given that's not for direct support of the children (food in their mouths, clothes on their backs) is not fair to the children.