for an update on my situation...
I spoke with my sister as calmy as possible, but sure enough it turned into a huge shouting match. she wouldn't listen to anything I had to say. when I asked her about her husband and the things he does, all she would do is make excuses i.e. "that's just the way he is!", " you over exaggerate!", and "its not his fault that you can't take a joke!". after all her excuses, I asked her how come when he does take it too far, she doesn't stick up for me. her response was: "I didn't hear him!", which is complete bullshit because she watches the whole damn thing and then laughs afterwards. everytime I made a good point, she'd turn it all around on me and pose as "the victim".
after the whole husband thing, I started asking her about the way SHE treats me. I brought up the past and asked her why she seems to have resented me ever since we were little kids. I was always a good sister to her. I never did anything wrong. I went on from there and questioned her on her 2-faced ways.. i.e. she treats me like her best friend one minute and then turns around and acts like a complete bitch. she just stood there quietly and I told her that all these years "I stood up for you!", "all these years I showed you unconditional love!" "all these years I NEVER judged you!" and "all I get is shit in return!" I went on to tell her that I don't deserve to be treated this way, that in fact no one does, not even her. she tried to avoid everything I just said by bringing up stuff that was irrelevant. she started acting immature and again tried to act like she was innocent. at that time I felt like there was nothing else I could say, which there probably was, but I couldn't think of anything. instead of flashing on her some more, I told her.. "from the look of things, you don't seem to give a shit about me, and after noticing this, I don't see how you expect me to show how much I care about you". I know that it was probably a really mean thing to say, but at that time, its how I felt.
I'm hoping I did/said the right things. I also hope that she thought about the things I said. more than anything though, I hope she doesn't turn to her husband, because if she does, he's gonna turn everything I said upside down and it would've all been for nothing..
Once bitten, Twice shy.